Richard Morgan’s A LAND FIT FOR HEROES is out now on mobile with a
sinister plot and shameless anti-heroes for those who are ready to embrace all
that is dark and violent.
“I am extremely delighted to
announce that A LAND FIT FOR HEROES gamebook is finally out.” said the author
Richard Morgan, “It’s amazing to see the vision of my books receive a new life
in a digital game-book format. All fantasy fans will appreciate the power in
their hands to choose the destiny of a character and explore above and beyond
the original story.”
profound story of three distinct characters falling into a sequence of
bloodthirsty events full of gore and mystery. It is not your average gamebook; A
LAND FIT FOR HEROES is darker, deeper and very explicit, primarily its
narrative is targeted towards a mature audience. The main characters are not
traditional heroes but outcasts with marred souls and questionable pasts. This
is a story and character design with a truly dark twist; readers may be shocked
but they will still be enthralled by Morgan’s rich and mysterious dark fantasy
presented in an entirely unique format for the book series.
Based on Richard Morgan’s trilogy
of dark fantasy novels, A LAND FIT FOR HEROES is the new interactive gamebook
experience telling the story of three unlikely heroes with three interlocking
storylines. Kirellin of House Caith is a skilled war veteran, a man with a
death wish who suffers the mental trauma from years of combat. Calnar is a
young Majak warrior,repeatedly raped by his father during his childhood, he
channels his inner rage as one of the fiercest fighters in bloody combat.
Ilaria is an accomplished thief with a tortured past filled with violence and
personal anguish. Each of their paths will cross in this adventure where they
are tested to the extreme – but wherein the reader decides upon their fates. Children
go missing in the marshes. Ancient spirits awaken. Powerful machine-demons
manipulate the fate of mankind. But all of this is just a game for even darker
forces. In the first of its kind, bestselling author Richard Morgan brings his
trilogy of novels to life as a three-player gamebook set in the world of Land
Fit For Heroes.
About Liber Primus Games
Established in 2014 Liber Primus
Games is a small Indie developer based in Budapest, Hungary. The studio’s
ultimate goal is to bring immersive story driven games to the digital
marketplace. Their previous gamebook titles include The Narborion Saga I, II
& III.
About Gollancz
Gollancz is the oldest specialist
SF & Fantasy publisher in the UK. Founded in 1927 and with a continuous SF
publishing programme dating back to 1961, the imprint of the Orion Publishing
Group is home to a galaxy of award-winning and bestselling authors. Through our
long-running SF and Fantasy Masterworks programme, and major digital initiative
the SF Gateway, Gollancz have one of the largest ranges of SF and Fantasy of
any publisher in the world.
About Richard Morgan

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