Review Round-up April
Here are my favorites of April.
Which books did you enjoy reading about the most in the last month?
Cheers -

I am going to repeat myself. Flex needs a direct sequel! period. I am always on the look out for the next thing in fantasy and Ferrett Steinmetz' Flex completely lives up to this promise. It's fresh, it's exciting and it's a whole lot of fun to read. It could also be the pubilsher to be honest as the majority of the books that I read from Angry Robots fall into the category of genre pushing. In Flex Ferret Steinmetz introduces an flexable world (to a certain degree), some very well fleshed out characters and of course one of the coolest magical system that I have the pleasure of reading about. Highly recommended!
Read the full review here
2. The Mechanical by Ian Tregillism, Orbit

The Mechanical a book that you must, MUST have read this year, the better, the sooner. The Mechanical directly lived up to all my expectations and when I come to think of it, it went above and beyond it. The story is set up in a very intricate way, highlighting many different facets of the world, the characters, factions and their believes. I liked that he talked the many social aspects, Free Will and theology. There is a great blend of themes, steampunk, alternate history and some magic as well. Ian Tregillis is once again at the top of his game (is there ever a moment he isn't!?), make sure you ride this wave!
Read the full review here

All this taken together from the plot of Superposition to the big and bold idea's in the field of Quantum Physics that the story hold right down to the character this book is a definite win. I don't say this very often but Superposition with definitely be in many top favorite lists at the end of the year, if it isn't, it is because they haven't read the book, which in turn is a big big big shame. David Walton once again proves that his writing is just A-game material, he knows he stuff, not only the technical side of it all but also the humane side. Superposition is a book NOT to be missed. Read this book and a whole new world will open for you!
Read the full review here

The Devil's Detective is one of those books that just screams for a sequel. Simon Kurt Unsworth did a awesome job in giving a very lively and more than unique vision of his Hell. I liked the promise of the synopsis and in this Simon Kurt Unsworth didn't let me down. Introducing a very cool concept that I hope will be explored in a sequel!
Read the full review here
5. Sword of the North by Luke Scull, Head of Zeus

Read the full review here
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