Review Round-up June
Last month of this half of the year! Don't know where the time has gone, it went over to fast for sure. I said that I wanted to read 175 books this year and I am pleased to say that I am on track and have already passed the half way maker. Only about 90ish more to go.
These were my favourites of June
Which books did you enjoy the most in June?
1. Veil of the Deserters by Jeff Salyards, Night Shade Books

Last year I read Jeff Salyards debut, Scourge of the Betrayer, it proved very soon that it was one of Scourge of the Betrayer was those books directly to my liking. a great read wait till you get your hands on this sequel.The wait was pretty long for the sequel but luckily for me and many other readers it was published last month in June. I had high expectations for Veil of the Deserters but what Jeff Salyards manages to pull of went wildly above my expectations. Jeff Salyard doesn't wait one moment before throwing you again in the midst of an epic fantasy story. Directly building on the foundation of what he showed in the first book. One thing that felt to note in the sequel was the amount of information given compared to the first book, where you had to accept a lot of facts on the go. There are some great places visited in Veil of the Deserters like the capital of the Syldoon empire from which Braylar hails. Added to this is the great expansion of characters with the sister of Braylar and the everything that surrounds the Mermidons. It's all really great and solid stuff that you don't want to miss.
Read the full review here
2. A Kill in the Morning by Graeme Shimmin, Bantam Press

Read the full review here

One sub genre that I always like to read are western, who doesn't like gunslingers? Dead Man's Hand is a collection of 23 original western stories covering a wild range of themes. From the vampire killing avenging priest kind of stories to a supernatural one featuring aliens or one where there is definite power in a set of cards. I always limit myself to a few stories when I review an anthology but all the stories of Dead Man's Hand are more than noteworthy. Award winning editor John Joseph Adams selected some of the finest stories and placed them in the anthology also in a great manner, sometimes slowing the pacing down from one story to another or on other occasions putting you into action after action scene. As far as anthologies go, Dead Man's Hand is one of the best that I have read, I do hope Titan and John Joseph Adams come to the conclusion to make a Dead Man's Hand pt. 2.
Read the full review here
4. The Oversight by Charlie Fletcher, Orbit

Read the full review here
5. Dreams and Shadows by C. Robert Cargill, Gollancz

Read the full review here
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