The Myth of Rain by Seanan McGuire [no synopsis availabe] Seanan McGuire is better know to my under her pseudonym Mira Grant, with which she wrote some very creepy horror books. A while ago I read a short story in the Dead Man's Hand anthology about wasps which was part of her InCryptid stories. It was different that what I read in the Mira Grant books, in a very good way. Now when I came across The Myth of Rain I readily jumped the occasion to read it and once again I am amazed. The story of The Myth of Rain picked up in a way that it readily piques your interstest. It begins with the story of a female spotted owl and how their cry is different. Now from this first sentence the story could go any which way. A documentary of sort. Like Marie Brennan's A Natural History of Dragons. Soon you are introduced to Julie, who is on the look out of owls, observing them and capturing them. For a reason, because at the end of the capture she mentions that monsters are coming to t