Time flies when your having fun. This how I best can describe the month of May. Again I have been able read a great number of books, some that were challenging and took a bit more time and for some others that were just too short. All in all I haven't encountered any books that I particularly disliked in any way. Instead by alternating the reading between the different genres, there isn't a build up of always reading the same. Not only was reading a lot of fun to do, I was also back in the game, well starting half of May, for training again for my marathon that is planned on the 20th of October later this year. The training runs are becoming more demanding in terms of longer runs averaging between 45 min to 2 hours, 3 times a week. It will cause me to have to cut back a bit on my reading time. Hopefully not too much though. Still got a many great titles waiting in line. I think for everyone the Review Round-ups should be known by now, but for some new readers here i...